When I first started blogging I did this feature called Thursday's Name
Game and as I was going through my posts I realized that I had a lot of fun
putting the posts together so I thought I'd try it out again.

Name: Cecily
Gender: Female
Character From: Better Than Chocolate
Origin of Cecily:
Latin and thought to represent Saint Cecilia. (I've also read it means dim-sighted or blind, but I'm not a fan of those so much)
Places named Cecily:
Cecily, a fictional Alaskan town from T.V. show "Northern Exposure"
Characters named Cecily?
- Cecily Giraffe, a character in Cecily G. and the Nine Monkeys by H.A. Rey. This was the first book to feature the infamous Curious George.
- Cecily Temple, a character from "The Gemma Doyle Trilogy" by Libba Bray
- Cecily Cardew, a character from Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Ernest"
- Cecily, an alias for Halfrek a vengeance demon from the show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Have you heard of these gals?
- Cecily von Ziegesar, author of the "Gossip Girl" series
- Cecily Neville, Duchess of York
Do you know of anyone named Cecily or any famous Cecily's I am
*adapted from http://www.babynamewizard.com
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