Friday Night Date
Night is a feature on my blog that showcases movie reviews (mostly movies that
were adapted from books). Hopefully some of these reviews will help you decide
what to watch on your date night or a night of relaxing at home.

With all the remakes on fairy tales and Snow White in particular, I wanted to check out this version as well. I'm sad to say that while I enjoyed the different take this iconic tale, I didn't enjoy the movie as much as I hoped to.
I watched this movie with my sister and brother-in-law and while I have never really enjoyed Kristen Stewart as an actor, I thought it was both funny that they both commented on her lack of facial expressions. I guess I'm not the only one...or at least it runs in my family. Besides the mediocre acting (mainly Kristen Stewart), the movie was a lot darker than I expected. It was definitely not your Disney version, that's for sure. The writers did add some interesting twists though that kept me watching and wondering how the tale was going to play out. Plus there is a bit of a cliffhanger that makes you wishing (crazy, I know) for a second part.
While this movie wasn't one of my favorites, it's originality was a bit refreshing and I kind of liked the dark side to a childhood favorite.
I can't stand KStew but I actually really enjoyed this movie! I loved the whimsical aspects. And Chris Hemsworth. And Sam Claflin. ;)